Lisha Fenimore
Acknowledgement and Informed Consent
It is acknowledged and understood that I am an herbalist and not a medical doctor. I cannot diagnose, treat, or prescribe medicines for ailments or disease. My job is to inform you about an already diagnosed condition and how you can best support your body in supplementation to medical treatment. I do this through recommendation of herbs, diet, and lifestyle adjustments. Any mention to named diseases is referenced as a part of the overall assessment and condition of the patient. I believe in vis medicatrix naturae, the innate power of the body to heal itself.
The role of the herbalist in this healing process is to consider the client holistically, including mind, body, and spirit. I am here to suggest lifestyle, diet, and supplementation of herbs and/or vitamins to foster an increased state of balance and health with the intention of optimizing the ability of the body to modulate and heal itself.
As appropriate and necessary, I encourage and advise clients to seek professional medical advice regarding any illness or disease they are suffering from. Receiving background health information can aid in the process of selecting the best herbal program for your needs.
Any concerns about your health and supplementation with herbs or diet should be done in consultation with your doctor.